When In Need of a Reset

Focus on what is thriving.” — Gabrielle Bernstein

I love this quote. I think about it often when I feel I’ve gone a bit off kilter and need a life reset. I’ll tell myself — “do what makes you thrive.” There are unique times in life that can become branded in memory and overtly change the trajectory of where you’re going — mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually — and other times, you get thrown off course for so long you’re hardly able pinpoint the root cause that took you off path. Things just feel off. Whichever route transpires, a little bit of course correcting and a lot of hard work can point your sails back in the right direction, or new direction entirely. I’ve learned, over the past few months of putting in effort to chart my present in the direction I want to go, that the keys to success and positive change are here and now, and the very next play. Baby steps that become big steps over time. Record-keeping a few tools here that I’ve internalized while taking steps when in need of a reset.

Do what makes you thrive. The way forward may be unclear at the exact present moment — but that’s exactly what makes the present so spectacular and delightfully attainable. The time for change is now. As long as I stick to what makes me feel authentically me, and do more of what works well for me, positive results will follow. For me, this is keeping up a regular Pilates routine (I used to go about 5x/week but have had to revisit what’s realistic, and 2-4x/week is much more attainable), taking long walks by myself with an inspiring podcast, going to bed early, gardening (trying to keep new plant babies alive!), planning a trip to have something to look forward to, eating healthy, focusing on relationships, reading and writing.

Set boundaries. Giving myself the time and space to focus on what I need in order to do what makes me thrive.

Subscribe to uplifting content, and mute what’s not. I’ll admit this one is a work in progress; however, I’ve discovered several incredibly inspiring podcasts via one of my favorite bloggers’ Spotify playlist, many of which I’ve added to my library to listen back on when I feel a funk coming on. Will be putting together a list of podcasts and books that are inspiring me right now, if interested!

Be kind to oneself. We’re all walking this earth the best way we know how, with what we are equipped with at the present moment. It’s not right to judge another’s journey and that includes being gentle to oneself and allowing growth to happen without a constant internal negative monologue.

Get uncomfortable. Trying something new that I’ve been putting off (like publishing this post!) helps keep the creative juices flowing.




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Photo Diary: Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park